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Can members of the public walk down Downing Street in London?
1: Downing Street is still a Public Highway and Public Right of Way in the meaning of the 1980 Higways Act.2: The Railings were approved by Westminster City Council in October 1989, following an application on which the Government refused to comment.3: You will not be allowed access just because you 'insist on your rights'- the Police have, under what the Government described as 'Common Law Powers' - the right to restrict access to prevent a breach of the peace. However, the officer on duty may choose to admit you.The following is recorded in Hansard (the official journal for the Houses of Paliament) in 1990: []Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) if the public right of way through Downing street has been extinguished ; and if he will make a statement.Mr. Chope [holding answer 8 January 1990] : Access to Downing street is controlled under police common law powers which allow them to take reasonable steps to preserve the peace and prevent threats to it.The present barriers at the Whitehall entrance to Downing street which the demountable gate will replace have been in place since 1982.Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment on what basis the decision was taken to erect railings in Downing street ; and who made the recommendation for their erection.Mr. Chope [holding answer 8 January 1990] : The purpose of the new demountable gateway is to enhance the security of Downing street. It is not the Government's practice to comment on such security measures.Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the cost to public funds of all works associated with the erection of railings at the Whitehall end of Downing street.Mr. Chope [holding answer 8 January 1990] : It is not the Government's practice to comment on the costing of individual security measures.Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment which authority gave planning permission for the erection of railings at the Whitehall end of Downing street ; what notice was given to interested parties ; and whether any objections were received.Mr. Chope [holding answer 8 January 1990] : Normal procedures under DOE circular 18/84 were followed, including consultation with English Heritage and the Royal Fine Art Commission. Proposals were submitted to Westminster city council in May 1989 ; amended in September following consultations, and approved by letter dated 4 October.Then, in 2001, a similar exchange: []Mr. Gummer: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (1) what (a) procedure and (b) consultation took place in respect of the closure of the access to Ambassadors entrance to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; and how long he expects it to be closed; [23595](2) when and under what authority an order was placed to close Downing street to public access; what discussions were held with interested parties; and if he will make a statement onthe public right of way andthe Highways designation in Downing street; [23649]Mr. Spellar: Downing street is a public highway for which Westminster city council is the highway authority. The road at the Ambassador's entrance is owned by the Royal Parks Agency, and is not a public right of way.Access to both roads is controlled by the police under common law powers which allow them to take reasonable steps to preserve the peace and prevent threats to it. The level of restriction by the police is constantly under review.In 2002, a similar question was asked, but the answer was to refer the MP who asked it back to the 2001 response: []Public Highway ClosuresMr. Gummer: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to his answer of 7 February 2002, Official Report, column 1094W, on public highway closures, when and by which magistrates court Downing street was closed under section 116 of the Highways Act 1980. [69973]Mr. Spellar: I refer the right hon. Member to my answer of 19 December 2001, Official Report, column 538W.
How do you pick a city to live in, in Canada?
N.B. Because of Canadian law, essentially only accredited lawyers, notaries in the Province of Quebec and consultants who are members in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council can give out visa application advice. I don’t qualify.Perhaps this question was intended for intending immigrants so, my Answer will emphasize information for them. However, it could be applied to Canadians too. I haven't seen any really good statistics about how many Canadians move from where they are to any given city. But, many do. Some doubtless do it because they simply think they might enjoy it better living some place else. But, some will do it because of job opportunities or family issues (You've married a Canadian from someplace else, or they get a better job in another city.)Or, you are in an unpleasant personal situation where you currently are, and want to escape, and “start a new life”. Or, the place you are in seems to be sliding in certain ways, and you just want to get out. Or, you have ethnocultural or lifestyle requirements that can not be served where you currently are. (Not enough synagogues. Not enough gay bars, professional sports teams, delicatessens, comic book conventions, post-secondary educational facilities, curling clubs, discos, poetry groups, etc.)I suspect that a lot of young Canadians come up on a point where, they say to themselves, I want to make a big move before I have family responsibilities and a mortgage. And, then, later, you have struggled through your working life and are now a middle-income retired pensioner. If circumstances haven't tied you down (Daughter-in-law says, you will babysit tonight, or you will not see your grandchildren, ever!), do you really want to stay in this dump you have been putting up with, because you needed the job?Moving within Canada can be really expensive. For example, moving the contents of a two-bedroom apartment, from Ottawa to Vancouver, using a bonded carrier, can cost around C$10,000. This can put a definite damper on where else you might pick to live.Interprovincial Moves Can Be Really ToughAn interprovincial move can be tedious. You have to change your driver's licence, your health card, your licence plates, and your car insurance. (Rates and carriers vary from province to province. A few of the provinces have public insurance systems.) The different provinces have different tax rates and systems. Each province charges its own income tax. The differences can be signifigant. And some provinces provide more or less services than others. (For example, Quebec has heavily subsizided day care.)A very big damper on anyone with professional or trades certifications, from moving to a city in another province, is that most of these occupations, are not licenced at the national level. You have to apply again, if you want to work in your own trade or profession.Moving Within Your Metropolitan AreaIn Canada, references to a given city can be a little confusing, because people don't necessarily specify whether they mean the “city proper”, or the metropolitan area. For example, there is the City of Toronto, Toronto's most populous municipality, with its iconic City Hall and combative City Council. But, you will hear references to the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area. This is a big, sprawled region at the western end of Lake Ontario. It is full of different municipalities. Each one has its own property tax rates, the predominant means that Canadian municipalities have of providing services. Each one has different standards for infrastructure, including the most controversial and expensive ones, schools, roads and snow plowing. Each one is in control of its own bylaws. This includes the strict, heavily enforced, zoning bylaws. Among other things, those decide what can be built in any particular place, where you can operate a given business, where you are allowed to smoke, tobacco or marijuana, and what you can't smoke at all. For example, forget about operating a hookah bar in the City of Ottawa, Ottawa establishment fined $76,250 for hookah use.The existence of Canadian metropolitan areas is recognized officially by Statistics Canada, the central statistical agency of the Canadian federal government. These are called Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA's): CMA and CA: Detailed definitionSo, from the point of view of a Canadian, for example, living in Toronto doesn't necessarily mean, living in Toronto. And, in a certain way, there is more than one Toronto. Living in Toronto can mean, living in Brampton, or Mississauga, or York Region, or even Oshawa, or, if you accept the GTHA concept, even living in Hamilton and its suburban municipalities. And, which of those many municipalities really, really matters. Canadians can be moving from city to city even when they are in what seems to be the same place.Some other cities are the same. The supposed City of Vancouver is actually a core municipality, for a whole, sprawling set of suburbs, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, New Westminster, Abbotsford, Richmond, Surrey, Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, etc. Laid on to it by the Government of British Columbia is the Metro Vancouver Regional District: Metro Vancouver Regional District - Wikipedia . It provides services that the provincial government deems best provided on a regional basis. There is the Vancouver CMA. But, the various area municipalities can be quite different from each other, in terms of ethnicity, attitude and social class. The City of Vancouver is horribly expensive for housing. Sometimes one's pick of municipality, is about how much you can afford for a place to live. This can easily drive you thirty kilometres or more from the centre of the City of Vancouver. If you work in the city centre you can have an arduous commute, but that is just too bad.Dodge The StereotypesIt is a bit more ephemeral, but Canadians sometimes attribute certain characteristics to a given city. Some of the characteristics are not entirely unfounded in fact. For example, the City of Ottawa itself, dull, staid and quiet. (Plain old true.) But its CMA partner across the Ottawa River, Gatineau, easier-going, friendlier, less rule-bound and more fun, again at least a little.Or, Hamilton, working class industrial workers. Or, Calgary, rancher-oilman.A word for the prospective immigrant. If you encounter a Canadian city that still has a ruralized self-image, watch out! This can mean that the city harbours people who are in denial about urban life, including city councillors, and are not progressive about infrastructure or where you can establish a lively, neighbourhood-enhancing business, or just find it difficult to deal with people who look different. Also, rather unfortunately, it can mean that the city harbours some real bigots, people who oppose multiculturalism, unless it is another Caucasian culture, and really would like to examine you, to determine whether you have sufficient “Canadian values”. And, they tend to produce people that like to speak in favour of the real, “old stock” Canadians, like our previous Prime Minister did. (Calgarians, I did not say every last one of you! I am aware that your city has Canada's first Muslim mayor. However, for a new immigrant, an encounter with some of the more recalcitrant, Justin Trudeau-hating, why can't you just be normal, residents can be an awful, frightening turn-off. The immigrant may freeze, and assume that your city is full of people of bad will, even though, I acknowledge, many aren't, and many are immigrants themselves.)But, remember also, some stereotypes about Canadian cities really are quite misleading. I suggest my own Winnipeg is a victim. The popular stereotype, a very flat, lower-income, mosquito-ridden, extremely cold, isolated place, with a derelict infrastructure and dreadful racial relations, particularly regarding indigenous Canadians. My counter proposal, a city with diverse job opportunities, not much in the way of stressful commuting, plentiful nature nearby without a traffic jam, many, many positive experiences and attitudes toward multiculturalism of all kinds, not just white multiculturalism, broad streets, many tree-lined ones, quite reasonable housing with a very good choice of different neighbourhoods, and many Winnipegers well aware of the injustices committed against Canada's indigenous peoples, and mindful of the need for apologies, at least some restitution, and reconciliation.Do Not Believe What You Are Told And Investigate, Research and ResearchFor a prospective immigrant, it is a good mental exercise to try to put yourself in the shoes of a Canadian looking to make an inter-city move. As I describe above, there are many, many constraints that mean, you should not just put up a map of Canada, and throw darts to find a lucky place. If you are successful in obtaining your permanent resident visa, those constraints will all be yours as well. And, do not imagine that, moving later, after your initial city of settlement, will be easy and inexpensive. Canada offers various ways of getting “stuck in”, wherever you are.You may have heard various things from family and others who have already immigrated to a given city. However, remember, things in any Canadian city, change. A few days ago, another Quora Answer, about Toronto, pointed out that there is no housing crisis for people who rented their apartments a long time ago. There are rent controls, that inhibit your landlord from heavily boosting your rental rate. So, your family who immigrated before might be paying just C$1,250 a month for a two-bedroom apartment. You won't. You are more likely to be paying $C2,500, even in an undistinguished building in a modest neighbourhood.And, like I said, don't believe the casual or outright flippant stereotypes you may hear about various Canadian cities, at least until you have investigated. So, Ottawa quiet, dull, and in a certain sense conservative. Yes, it is credible, because it is a government town, with many middle and lower middle-class civil servants, who not infrequently come from modest backgrounds, and want to earn their money and retirement benefits just as quietly as they can, and not offend those who they rely on for that to happen. (So, you are not likely to find them in Facebook and Twitter, saying wild and provocative things.)Winnipeg and places like it, no, the stereotypes may be very outdated or never have been right. If you do some Internet research you will know that. Also, Google Streetview (R) allows you to do a virtual walk, almost anywhere in town.Remember, Canada is a huge country geographically. Long distance travel is quite expensive. Not that many Canadian are motivated to travel to a far away city, unless they have business or family there. They don't get the reality check of walking the streets of that city, or driving around, and saying to themselves, “Hey, this neighbourhood is really nice, and I am shocked by how cheap the houses are. I had no idea!”Cheery Moving Is A LuxuryAgain, I would love to see statistics, but, I wonder how many Canadians are at liberty to say, I am going to pick another city to live in, and I am not constrained by economic and personal realities. It may feel like that to you, getting excited as your permanent resident visa approaches, and all these different Canadian places lie before you. If you make an unresearched, poor quality choice, moving to another city later may be impractical or cost you an awful lot of money and various complexities to deal with.Even retired Canadians have to worry about living costs, crime rates, a stressful environment and the ready availability of geriatric services.Without being negative, I could not identify to a prospective immigrant, any Canadian city that is just good, and good for all. Where you reside always involves sacrifice, constraints, problems, and it can require an awful lot of patience. There will not be any one place that is just right for you. It is pros and ons, what would really make a particular city so beneficial to you that the negative features that seem like trifles, and how easily you can feel yourself reasonably contented.Martin Levine
What is the 'Nottingham-Derby Metro'?
If you Google “Nottingham Derby Metro”, the first thing to come up is Two Great Cities: One Vision - The Metro Strategy on Nottingham City Council's website.It sums it up pretty well.Added together Derby and Nottingham is one of the UK’s most important urban areas and has also become one of the top 30 population centres in Europe. Both cities are predicted to have more young people living in them in the future, in contrast to the national trend of an ageing population.The Metro Strategy aims to bring that potential together and join our urban voice, driving the jobs and prosperity that will fuel the Midlands as an engine for UK economic growth.…By 2030 Derby & Nottingham will:be internationally recognised as a vibrant, creative urban centre offering a great modern city lifestyle to its citizens and visitorsbe renowned for producing world-class ideas, products and people with a leading voice in the UK and at Westminsterhave a recognised identity across the world, known for the quality of its international relationships, with a passion for exchanging ideas and open for tradebe seen as an efficient provider of high quality, resilient public services…Our Metropolitan Strategy has five big ambitions to drive us forward over the next 15 years:Metro Enterprise - Promoting Derby & Nottingham world-wide to attract new investment; supporting businesses to innovate, diversify, find new markets, increase productivity and strengthen supply chainMetro Talent - Enhancing leadership, knowledge and creativity of skilled workers; nurturing young people to be ready for work in the 21st centuryConnected Metro - Improving accessibility to the cities through shared development of our transport corridors, application of new transport technologies and better integration with our superb rail and airport interchangesMetro Living - Providing a range of exciting and accessible opportunities for a modern urban lifestyle, befitting of a world-class urban area, where residents can live, earn and play through a wide range of sporting and cultural activitiesEfficient Metro - Protecting and improving public services for all our Metropolitan citizensNottingham and Derby are very close together, and the councils have decided that they will be able to achieve more together than apart, so are planning to become more of a metropolitan area than two separate cities.
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