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What were some funny moments during World War II?

The venereal diseases prevention posters made by war propaganda departments have got very little attention from the modern media. It is very interesting to learn how armies deal with gonorrhea and syphilis in 20th century before the invention of antibiotics. That review will help to modern readers to understand better the psychology of Europeans during the Second War War.1.UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe USA military has always taught new troops the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. Every soldier at some time in his basic training was forced to sit through what was used to call a "Susie Rotten-crotch" film where a soldier is shown out meeting a local female, only to appear at sick call with gonorrhea or syphilis shortly afterwards. The U.S. Government and its agencies prepared posters during WWII in an attempt to keep servicemen free of VD. The following posters were aimed at specific services and show that they were each considered vulnerable and addressed.Arthur Szyk caricature: Fool the AxisIn the above 1942 warning poster about VD, the three Axis leaders are shown with hypodermic needles, ready to give shots to soldiers with sexually transmitted diseases. The text of the poster is "Fool the Axis – use prophylaxis, prophylaxis prevents venereal disease!" During the war the medical corps had a prophylaxis kit that would sometimes be issued to soldiers going into town.The American artist who created the poster, Russian born Arthur Szyk (1894-1951) attended art school in Paris before enlisting in the Russian Army in 1914. He served for six months and saw front-line action. After World War I he fought as an officer in a Polish guerilla regiment against the Bolsheviks and eventually located in Paris with his new wife. With the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939 he began producing cartoons and eventually moved to New York City. During the war he created numerous covers for Collier's magazine. Hitler put a price tag on Arthur Szyk’s head. The American press called Szyk a "one-man army against fascism." The Times of London declared his art work to "be among the most beautiful...ever produced by the hand of man."A second poster (1943) , shows the same three enemy buffoons discussing the disease marked "VD" with actual microscopic pictures of the microbes. The syphilis spirochete, chancroid gram-negative bacilli, and gonorrhea gram-negative diplococci are all depicted as Tojo says "American soldier could catch it with ease" and Hitler answers, "but prophylaxis prevents disease."During World War II, the leaders of the Axis powers (Hitler, Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo) were depicted by Allies as monsters. The enemy leaders were caricatured as gorillas, skeletons, rats, or whatever the Allied warriors could dream up. This was all part of the process of wartime depersonalization, and the resultant new image of him as vermin good only for killing. Nazis propagandists used exactly the same effective tactics of dehumanisation of the enemy for the killing purpose.She is our Sunshine…After seeing Arthur Szyk’s work this poster seems rather lame, but once again it vilifies Hitler and the Japanese and points out that a lovely bathing beauty, “Miss GI Pickup of ‘44” will infect “you, you, an you” with VD.Here we see that Walt Disney has joined the war against VD. Donald Duck has been drafted and is thinking of having sex with a beautiful woman but finds himself without the safety of a Prophylaxis.Axis AgentsThis poster also uses the theme that it helps the Axis when you are infected with a venereal disease. It implies that it is almost treasonous to have sex with a prostitute because it hurts the war effort.Pages from War Department Pamphlet No. 21-15U.S. Government produced a number of pamphlets, flyers, leaflets and other published literature in an attempt to reduce the rate of VD among the troops. The booklet, War Department Pamphlet No. 21-15, depicts American troops hitting the beaches from a landing craft on some foreign shore and warns that VD might take them out of the picture. One wonders about the effectiveness of this illustration as positive propaganda. Given the choice of attacking a machine gun nest at Normandy or getting a needle in the butt at a comfortable aid station in the United Kingdom, the latter seems somewhat preferable. This 16-page War Department brochure is entitled Sex Hygiene and VD – Venereal Disease was first printed in 1940 under the direction of the Surgeon General of the Army with an introduction by Secretary of War Marshall. It was issued to every new recruit and discusses sexuality in general and attempts to educate the young soldier on all of the emotions and desires he might encounter away from home. It was issued again in 1943 with a slightly changed cover. Some of the introduction is:The Army can protect you from many diseases but you will have to protect yourself from syphilis and gonorrhea. The only sure way is to stay away from women. Don’t forget that any woman who lets you use her, or who consents easily, is not safe.If you wait until you marry, you’re safe and keep your self respect. You also play fair with the girl back home whom you expect to play fair with you. There’s no substitute for moralsShe may look Clean –ButIn this poster we see a mix of Army, Navy and a civilian together. In a way, civilians were part of the war effort because they built the weapons and kept the economy moving. So this poster warns all three of the dangers of having sex with a prostitute. It can hurt the war effort.USA Propaganda posters promoting the use of condoms :U.S. Government WWII Posters for the Military Services. USA propaganda posters promoting the awareness of syphilis and gonorrhea:These posters look funny and very naive to me. It's doubtful that they could avert young men from the idea to have a sex with women because of illness.2. UNITED KINGDOMThe British Army, which had no clear strategy other than the ineffective one of placing sections of Naples out of bounds, reacted to the soaring VD rate by blaming it on the Germans. A circular that arrived in all units by Christmas warned: “From reports that have been received it is apparent that prostitution in occupied Italy and Naples in particular, has reached a pitch greater than has ever been witnessed in Italy before. So much is this so that it has led to a suggestion that the encouragement of prostitution is part of a formulated plan arranged by the pro-Axis elements, primarily to spread venereal disease among Allied troops. The British were defeated by the prostitutes and decided that it must be part of a devious Nazi plot.The British military historian John Costello talks about the problem with prostitutes and venereal disease in Love, Sex and War:Changing Values, 1939-45, William Collins, London, 1985.Prostitutes were made synonymous with venereal disease not just by the Germans, but also by the British and United States army commands, who declared war on the women who had been blamed for the million and a half syphilis and gonorrhea casualties suffered by the Allied armies in World War I. The German armed forces applied the lessons learned twenty years earlier when the Kaiser's army strictly regulated the 'sexual logistics' of the troops and thereby cut its VD casualty rate to half that of the French army by 1918. Corpsmen collected the fees at the medically supervised military brothels behind the front lines, imposing a strict ten-minute time-limit per man during the evening 'rush hour' and providing prophylactic treatments as well as keeping a detailed log of the visitor's rank and regiment so that fines could be levied from those who failed to report contracted venereal infections.VD - Hello boy friend, coming MY way?A colorful 1943 VD poster produced in Great Britain by Reginald Mount depicts a female with the face of a skull in bright pink bonnet. The text is "VD - Hello boy friend, coming MY way? The 'easy' girl friend spreads Syphilis and Gonorrhea, which unless properly treated may result in blindness, insanity, paralysis, premature death. If you have run the risk, get skilled treatment at once. Treatment is free and confidential."In World War I the venereal infection rates of the British army were 7 times higher than the Germans, principally because national prudery prevented the British high command from acknowledging that there was any problem at all until 1915, when the Canadian and New Zealand prime ministers forced the chiefs of staff to issue free contraceptives to the troops.Venereal DiseasesThis British WWI poster is interesting because at the time they list only two forms of venereal disease. Now there are about a half dozen known to exist. Notice they do not list antibiotics. They were unknown at the time. In November 1918, bottles of potassium permanganate lotion and tubes of calomel cream were given to soldiers stationed overseas to use for self-disinfection. Still, the British had 150,000 admissions to the hospital for VD in France during the war. Many of the patients had self-inflicted VD. That is, they chose to catch it hoping it would keep them out of the front lines. In later wars, troops would sometimes shoot themselves in the foot to become hors de combat.3. THE SOVIET UNIONSoviet Union did not have venereal diseases such as syphilis or gonorrhea before the outbreak of the WW2. The moral standards of Soviet citizens were exceptionally high, Russians were very healthy before the WW2, they had lived according to the religious principles and state laws. Prostitution was prohibited and criminalized in USSR, it was absolutely no brothels, not even one. Germans changed it, they opened brothels and legalised prostitution. The WW2 was a total disaster for USSR, the whole country got sick of the war had never been recovered since then.Inhabitants of the Russian city of Kursk have never had any syphilis before the war but during the German occupation hundreds of local women were infected with syphilis by German soldiers. Women didn't get any treatment but were imprisoned and killed as a punishment.(Ehrenburg I.G., ““The New order” in Kursk”)“Fritzs are professional rapists, fornicators with solid experience, hereditary baboons. They have polluted the whole of Europe.” - wrote Soviet journalist Ilya Ehrenburg in 1943Red Army soldiers had no syphilis neither gonorrhea utill they advanced to liberate occupied USSR that was 4 years under the Nazi yok. When they moved to the Central Europe especially to Germany the situation got worse. In Romania Soviet soldiers were very surprised to meet local girls that demanded money for sex. This phenomenon was very alien to the Russian mind, obviously Russian soldiers refused to pay and consequently had a big trouble (fight, police complaints) from Romanian prostitutes and their husbands that were pimps. In Germany Soviet soldiers met another foreign style, German women freely offered sex for pleasure however later was discovered that many of those women had honorea and syphilis.. A lot of Soviet soldiers got it that was really trouble for Soviet authorities.USSR. The leaflet #1857The leaflets prepared by the Soviet Union for Germany were occasionally sexual in nature, insulting, usually long winded, and sometimes contained a safe conduct pass. Soviet leaflet #1857 contains all of these attributes. This Russian leaflet is aimed to destroy the morale of the German soldier by informing him that while he is at the front Hitler replaces them by foreigners who are taking their jobs, their land and their women. The leaflet is entitled Auslaender nehmen Deinen Platz ein! "Foreigners are taking your place." The first paragraph mentions the various nationalities that have been sent to Germany to work on the farms and in the factories; French, Italians, Slovaks, Dutch, and more. Two pictures are depicted on the front, a soldier holding his rifle at the top of the leaflet with the caption "While he squats in the bunker," and a female in the arms of another man at the bottom with the text, "his wife amuses herself with a foreigner." There is a photograph of her husband in uniform on the wall behind them. This was a common image on many Russian leaflets. The back is all text. Two letters are depicted from lonely German wives to their husbands at the front. The letters are designed to intensify the feeling of uneasiness among the German soldiers. One says that the foreigner plows his field now that he is away at the front. It says that foreigners sleep in the beds of German women, and many of them are the wives of soldiers. The second letter says that Berlin is now so international that the German language is hardly ever spoken or written. On the reverse, the leaflet tells in no uncertain terms, "Yes soldier, you should know: there are women who like to get involved with foreigners. You should also know: People who are gathered from all parts of the world will infect German women with venereal diseases of every kind. Family life will break up…should you, soldier, ever come home, you might be received by your wife with a black curly-headed Italian half-breed in her arms, and it will be your joy to raise this illegitimate child…" The leaflet offers hope. After the appeal "German soldier! Must this be? No! Your place is at home…Don’t take the war any longer! Your family is waiting for you!" The message encourages the German soldier to leave the war. Hitler is blamed for everything. He has forced the German people into the war and taken everything that makes life worthwhile. The leaflet ends with "No longer take part in the war! Your family waits for you!" There is a passierschein safe conduct pass in German and Russian at the bottom of the leaflet.4. NAZI GERMANYBy 1942, the Wehrmacht was running over 500 “Wehrmachtsbordellen,” and the setting-up, running, and supply of these establishments was the responsibility of the Area Commander (Ortskommanturen). Disease control was the responsibility of the area medical officer, and the girls would be checked twice a week by local doctors. There were “special rules” for Officer's facilities, for which a hotel character was to be maintained. Every Army brothel was required to have a prophylactic station (Sanierstube). They were to be marked with a small blue light marked with the Red Cross.German WWII Soldier’s Certificate to Visit a ProstituteThis certificate was issued to WWII German soldiers who wished to have sex with a prostitute in a brothel. They turned in their identification tag and received this certificate. They would write the name of the prostitute at the lower right and upon leaving the brothel turned in the certificate to a medic and had their identification tag returned and received treatment if it was deemed necessary. The text is:Entry to the brothel is permitted only with this ID card!Name of the sanitation roomContinuous numberDateAfter leaving the brothel you are ordered to visit the sanitation room at once for protective treatment. Your identification tag will be returned only after successful sanitation.Name of the prostitute:____________________Other forms of these passes might contain the following instructions: a Certificate of subsequent prophylactic treatment; Number and unit on dog tag; Field-post number of recipient; The above received prophylactic treatment at ____ hours under a control number of prophylactic station no. ____ and is thus certified by: Rank, name; and This document is to be kept for 3 months and is to be presented in the event of sickness.Brothel rules obliged visitors to disinfect female genitals after sexual acts. According to testimonies of soldiers they didn't really like that procedure . Here are two testimonies of German soldiers:Obergrenadier Martin Eichenseer of Stabs Kompanie, G.R. 916:"The first time I went I was a lad of 17-½ and still somewhat of a virgin, I never had intercourse but had done other things with the local girls. With my pockets filled with the 'regulation equipment', I went to the brothel in St. Laurent. I was very nervous and did not know what to expect. When my turn came I went into a room with a very good-looking girl about my age from Slovakia. She had dark hair and big breasts. Sex with her was great even though I didn't know what she was saying. We weren't supposed to pay them in the Army brothels but I gave her some money anyway. The worst part was when she spread her legs and I had to spray her with the can of disinfectant. Only then would she sign my card. You had to bring back the empty can with the pass. If you didn't spray or bring it back you got two weeks extra labor and guard for punishment.The next time I went I was excited at seeing this Slovak girl again but to my disgust I got this German woman who was in her late thirties, although I wouldn't mind her now, ha ha. She was big-breasted but flabby and had "a lot of wear on her tires" if you know what I mean. I just couldn't do it. She finally told me to close my eyes and she performed oral sex on me. It wasn't too bad as I thought of the other girl. She signed my pass and I left. On the way back I realized I still has a full can. In order not to get in trouble I sprayed it empty in the woods. I would have gone again but the war got in the way."Obergefreiter Josef Brass, Nr. 1 Kompanie, Pionier Bn. 352:"In Russia we didn't get to go to any but in France they were quite plentiful. The women were about average in appearance but certainly knew how to please a man. But as young and virile as we were then it didn't take much. Many of the younger men, 17-19 years old, didn't go because they were embarrassed by the things they were required to do, such as disinfecting the woman's genitals. I always felt that the army procedures were a bit too much but then again no-one I know of ever got a disease from an Army brothel. And if you did they knew which girl gave it to you and who ever else she had sex with and everyone could get cured. Some of us did go to the local civilian ones, the girls were prettier and acted like they enjoyed it. However if you got V.D. from one of them it was bad luck. You got cured then sent East to serve in a Penal Battalion for two weeks to three months. Being a "500" (slang for military prisoners) was no easy life and chances were slim you would make it back. In any event the Army tried to give us the best it could under the circumstances.5. ITALYThe Italian campaign more than any other in World War II confronted the British and American military commanders with their impotence when it came to coping with endemic prostitution. A foretaste of the problem was given by British medical officers in Sicily, who were treating 40 thousand VD cases a month, 20 times more than the number treated in England. As one report advised, “prostitution is almost universal among all but the highest class of Sicilian women.”Government-regulated brothels also existed in all of the large towns. Control had broken down, although General Patton wasted no time trying to restore it by putting US Army medical teams into Palermo's six large houses of prostitution. This did not endear him to General Montgomery, his arch rival, whose pride as well as his Puritanism was offended when it was announced that the brothels were open for business again – under US Army management. The invasion of Italy proper magnified the scale of the problem. But it was the capture of Naples in October 1943 that pitched the American and British commands into a two-year battle with an army of prostitutes – a battle Allied chaplains and doctors of both armies would later concede they lost.6. THE PROPHYLAXIS KIT AND INSTRUCTIONSThe Prophylactic Kit:Instructions:During the war, medics are generally supplied with prophylactic kits in bulk. These can be used to treat soldiers, or are often just given to the men to take with them on leave. The kits can contain different items, but during WWII soldiers were often issued an “Individual Chemical Prophylactic Packet” designed to allow him to perform prophylactic treatment on himself if he feared he might have had sex with an infected woman. The individual packet contained a tube containing 5 grams of ointment (30% calomel + 15% sulfathiazole), a direction sheet explaining how to apply the ointment, a soap impregnated cloth and cleansing tissue. Sometimes the men were issued condoms (usually 3 to a pack) and sometimes they were given sulfa or other pills to carry “just in case.”It must be told that syphilis is horrible ancient contagious disease; it starts from the little painless pimple and in the last stage it brings the body to the full disfiguration, tumors, blindness and paralysis. The untreated person slowly but surely, during few years, painfully get rotten alive. If I would be the WW2 propagandist I would scare guys with these real pictures of patients with the last stage of syphilis:The Italians called it ‘the French disease’ and the French called it ‘the Neapolitan disease’. The Russians knew it as ‘the Polish disease’ and the Poles called it the ‘German disease’. To the people of Flanders and North Africa it was ‘the Spanish disease’, while to the Spanish it was known as ‘las bubas’. The British called it ‘the pox’, but you will know it as syphilis. Syphilis - Wikipedia7. OTHER POSTERSVenereal disease (VD) was epidemic in the early twentieth century; estimates were that 1/10 people would contract syphilis at some point in their lives and even more would get gonorrhea. In spite of these startling facts, VD remained a taboo topic because of the stigma associated with these diseases.However, in the 1930s, popular attitudes about venereal disease changed dramatically in the United States. Syphilis and gonorrhea became topics that people commonly encountered in their everyday life—in all types of media, at work and school, and in a multitude of public spaces.1.MercuryBefore antibiotics were introduced in 1943. VD were treated with mercury and sulfa. If you got strep throat or some other infection you took the sulfa and were warned to wash it down with a lot of ginger ale. The antibiotics like penicillin came in with WWII and were a great boon to mankind in general. In the bad old days one of the treatments was mercury, and that is a poison itself. After hundreds of years of suffering, the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s meant that infections such as syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia could finally be cured. But today, with less than half of young people regularly practising safe sex, syphilis is on the rise once more. In 2017 there were 7,137 cases reported in England, a 20 per cent increase from 2016, and a shocking 148 per cent increase from 2008. Before you decide to risk it, spare a thought for our ancestors and the horrors of syphilis they had to endure – and always wrap it up.The poster was produced for the Ministry of Health promoting the first national campaign about venereal diseases. It was aimed at warning service men against the health risks of promiscuous sexual behavior. Women at the time were finding themselves in contrasting situations of sometimes-unprecedented liberty and discipline, often combined with sexual ignorance. Having to stay faithful while the men were away fighting, in charge of the household for the first time, freed from the presence of a male in their family household for perhaps the first time. There was limited information available to them on bodily functions, sex or birth control.2.Almost all of the artwork we see warns the soldiers to stay away from loose women. Here, that poster warns women to stay away from these “over-sexed, over-paid, and over-here” horny American GIs landing in Great Britain in 1944 in preparation for D-Day.3.A Sorry Ending to a FurloughIn 1946 as the war ended and hundreds of thousands of troops were still overseas, the military tried again to keep them safe from disease. An artist by the name of Ferree painted a poster that depicted a sad GI sitting on his cot. The text is, "VD- a sorry ending to a Furlough. Prophylaxis prevents venereal disease!"4.You Kept Fit and Defeated the HunThe colorful poster depicts a smiling “doughboy” with an American eagle on his shoulder standing on the helmets of defeated Germans. The text is:You kept fit and defeated the Hun.Now set a high standard.A clean America!Stamp out venereal diseases.5.We’ve fought in the open—bubonic plague, yellow fever, tuberculosis. Now Venereal DiseaseH. Dewitt Welsh crea. ted this WWI poster and it was published by the H. C. Miner Lithograph Company of New York. A semi-dressed female figure, representing Venereal Disease, is shown pouring blood from a wine glass. Chained to her left wrist is a vulture, standing on a skull. Beneath her are three macabre figures representing6.Soldier, the country counts on youVD was also a problem among the French. In 1916, Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen printed a poster for French soldiers fighting in WWI. The title was "Soldat, La Patrie Compte Sur Toi." The poster depicted a woman and man embracing, followed by the physically debilitated soldier on his hospital bed. A skull and crossed bones appear at the bottom of the poster. Due to prevailing taboos, no mention of syphilis or gonorrhea is made, but the words on the tombstone make a connection between morality and patriotism. The message reads:Soldier, the country counts on you - keep healthy. Resist the temptation of the street where a sickness as dangerous as the war awaits you… It carries its victims to decay and death, without honor, without happiness. . .7.Disease is disguised - Don't gamble with VD!This poster was produced in 1946 when the U.S. military was trying to enforce a policy of non-fraternization in the occupation zones between the USA troops and European women. It depicts a dark and ominous female hiding behind the mask of a healthy beautiful woman. The text is "DISEASE IS DISGUISED - DON'T GAMBLE WITH VD!" The poster was designed by Forsyth.8.Loaded?I like this poster because the girls are attractive and almost coy; not “trampy” at all. And, a Colt 1911 .45 automatic pistol is shown at the top. Notice that the pistol is cocked and ready for firing.9.Going home? Don't be delayed by VDThis 1946 poster shows a U.S. soldier at the end of the war waiting to return home. A map of Europe is in background. He is held in place by a rope that spells "VD" and is around his body. The text is, "GOING HOME? DON'T BE DELAYED BY VD." The artist is Schiffers. In every recent war American troops overseas are tested for disease before they are returned home. Any soldier found to have VD would be held until such time as a doctor pronounced him cured. He would be allowed to board ship at that time.10.AlmostIn one of the most attractive and poignant 1946 posters an American soldier (probably airborne by his bloused boots) stands at the dock and watches a troopship taking his buddies home to the U.S.A. He is held back by a ghostly hand marked "V D." The text is "ALMOST!" The artist is Schiffers. It was not an easy task to tell a man who had not been home for several years that he was "red-lined." There were several cases of doctors or medics being threatened, and it was one case where a G.I. pulled a knife on a First Sergeant after being told that he was held over in Southeast Asia.The entire concept of producing posters and leaflets of the subject of sexually transmitted diseases had to be approached with great care. Before the WW1 such things were not even discussed by proper gentlemen and ladies. In times of warfare when men are away on distant shores under stress, and women find themselves home alone perhaps for the first time, the subject must be broached. We have seen that some of the posters ask the men in uniform to use precautions as a form of patriotism so that they can continue to fight for their nation. Others imply that catching such a disease is almost treason in a time of war.8. BLACK VENEREAL DISEASE CAMPAIGNSThe black leaflets pretend to be helpful and offer hints on medical care, but are written in such a way as to demoralize the front line soldier worrying about his wife or girlfriend back home.Venereal disease has been mentioned in several PSYOP campaigns. It sometimes appears in white propaganda as a way to keep an Army healthy and moving forward. It is more valuable as black propaganda where it is used in several ways. Sometimes, one combatant tries to convince an occupied people that their invaders consider their women immoral and infected. At other times, one combatant will try to convince and enemy that their ally looks down upon their women. This was especially true in the Philippines during WWII where the Japanese implied on several occasions that the Americans saw the Filipino women as whores to be used and discarded. In other cases one combatant will try to destroy the morale of the enemy armed force while they fight at the front by stating that their wives and girlfriends are having illicit sex and being infected at home. Japanese black propaganda leaflet dropped during their advance in the Philippines alleges to be from the United States Army and warns American soldiers that Filipino women were uncleanThe German dropped a similar black leaflet on Allied troops in English language on the Western Front during WWII.British black propaganda 4-page booklet coded H.359The British produced several black leaflets in German language that mentioned VD. One coded H.336 and entitled Merkblatt - Deutsche Nachrichtenhelferin! The leaflet implied that citizens other than German are infected, and also hints that the wife or sweetheart of the soldier might have a "dalliance" while he is away. This certainly did not help the morale of the German soldier or the citizen of a foreign country either allied to Germany or sending workers into the Reich. A second (the image) British black propaganda 4-page booklet coded H.359 and entitled Deutsches madel! Vorsicht…(German Girl! Caution…) attacks the foreign worker (who sometimes volunteered to work in Germany to help the war effort) as a diseased individual.9. THE WHISPERS CAMPAIGNBesides leaflets, in an attempt to raise the morale of occupied Europe and lower the morale of the German military, civilians and their allies, the secret British Underground Committee produced well over 8,000 rumors, (they called them “Sibs” from the Latin sibalare – to hiss). Researcher Lee Richards mentions the whisper campaign and many of these rumors in his book Whispers of War, 2010. In regard to British propaganda rumors about sexual activity within the Third Reich and its occupied territories he lists dozens of moral-destroying rumors:4 July 1941 – German officers know the address of all the prostitutes in Amsterdam that have VD. They use them to get medical leave. It is called “krank durch Freude,” (Illness through joy).19 September 1941 – The girls in the Brest brothels have infected so many U-Boat crews with VD that it is now called “Malady V.”5 May 1942 – Of 50 Spanish workers who just returned from Germany, 37 have venereal disease.February 1943 - All women factory workers in Germany are to have a weekly VD inspection, carried out by medical students.11 June 1943 – The Germans have reduced the punishment for U-Boat crew members catching VD from a court martial to three days confinement.4 August 1944 – In order to slow the spread of VD in the German Army, boys under 16 have been forbidden to enter brothels.10. “THE ISLAND OF THE BLACK SYPH”Some WWII troops believed that there was a secret island off the coast of Greenland where horribly burnt and disfigured American soldiers were sent so as not to destroy the morale of their families in USA . Later during the Korean War, some soldiers were told of an island off the coast of South Korea where men with incurable venereal diseases were sent to die. The same rumours about secret islands existed during the Vietnam War. This rumor, or a reasonable facsimile, seems to have been circulating for at least 60 years.One of the most interesting rumors having to do with venereal disease was that of the mysterious island where service members with the dreaded and incurable "black syph" were sent to spend their last days in exile. Everyone knew someone who had a friend who had heard from a buddy that there was this deadly incurable, antibiotics resistant strain of syphilis. They whispered that rather than send a soldier home with this disease which would demoralize his family and the American public if the truth be known, the infected individual would be sent to this secret island where he would spend his last days in pain and dementia until he died.Private Bill Lupton of the 27th Infantry Regiment “Wolfhounds” talks about his personal introduction to the island in a narration entitled “February 1966” :You men need to use some common sense in dealing with these boom boom girls.Not only are they treacherous but they carry venereal disease,” There is another pause. “Now I know all of you men want to go back to your families safe and sound, and nobody wants to end up on the South Seas Island where they keep men who have venereal disease that will not respond to penicillin.They are not allowed to go back to the States until their syphilis is cured.”An Army veteran who was in Vietnam in 1968 heard the story a bit differently. It was gonorrhea, not syphilis:I heard stories about the Black Clap in 1968, and if you got it you were sent to an island off the coast till you died or a cure was found.A former cavalry man said:“I heard the story of the secret island in 1966 when I was stationed in South Korea. I heard the same story in 1968 when I was in Vietnam. They told us in glorious detail also about the “bullheaded clap.” This is where your dick swelled up and the medics took an “umbrella needle” and ran it up your crank and opened it and then ripped the puss and stuff out of your dick when they withdrew the “expanded umbrella needle.” I only heard that story in South Korea.”“I will tell you why some of the MIA’s didn’t come back from Vietnam, because the venereal disease they had was so terribly, terribly addictive and it could spread so fast we couldn’t let them come back. And those of you in Vietnam know that.”Most likely, the "black syph" story was invented and promoted by the U.S. military to terrify their young troops, lessen the fraternization with local women, and ultimately lower the rate of VD among the men.Sources:Venereal Disease Visual History ArchiveVenereal Disease PropagandaMiscman.comWehrmacht Brothels / der Erste Zug

Which places around the world are as mystical as 'Forbidden Kingdom', 'Narnia' or Hogwarts?

Lets start with World’s most Forbidden Destinations:-Area 51 remains, still, an off-limits mystery.NeuPaddyConsidering the staggering rates of global expansion and technology development, it’s impossible to imagine that there is even a sliver of this planet that remains undiscovered or unexplored. So there’s a certain comfort in knowing that, even today, there are mysteries that remain unexplored.From man-made, guarded structures to natural enigmas protected by environmental science, a slew of spots across the globe are entirely forbidden to outside travelers. Picture islands teeming with vipers, extraterrestrial secrets, locked mysteries of religion, virgin wildlife and entire societies that have never made contact with the outside world. Many of these locations are still shrouded in intrigue, with their goings-on staying behind closed doors. Other locations are better understood, though still off-limits due to a variety of safety, scientific or governmental regulations.While the allure of the taboo and forbidden is undeniable, you’d be hard-pressed to swindle your way into these forbidden places — and in many cases, you probably wouldn’t want to. Still, in a world full of places you can discover, it’s intriguing to consider the places you can’t.Snake Island, BrazilPoisonous snakes keep this aptly named island forbidden. Not that anyone is complaining.World Viewers StopAbout 93 miles off the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil is Ilha da Queimada Granda, also known as Snake Island. To what does it owe this title? Researchers estimate there are between one and five snakes here per 10 square feet. The snakes, specifically golden lanceheads, are known for their poison, which literally disintegrates flesh around their bites.So maybe it’s not such a bad thing that you’re not allowed to visit Snake Island…Lascaux Caves, FranceThe prehistoric paintings at Lascaux Caves are incredible...and off limits. This image is a replica.Pline.In the quest to discover the history of the human race, there is one spectacular place that provides enormous insight. The Lascaux Caves in southwestern France are home to a series of stunning Paleolithic paintings, estimated to be up to 20,000 years old. The paintings, which plaster the walls of the cave, are hauntingly vivid, depicting stags, cattle, bison, cats and more. But the most incredible of all the paintings can be found in the Hall of the Bulls, which is known for its four bull murals, one of which is 17 feet long.Sadly, the caves have been banned to the public since the 1960s, as they have been invaded by fungi and black mold, both detrimental to human health. Plus, human presence is considered destructive to the works of art.Fortunately, though, you can experience the next best thing: Last year, a museum and cave replica right next to the real deal opened to the public.Area 51, United StatesSigns near Area 51 make it abundantly clear: No trespassers allowed.X51A conspiracy theorist's playground, Area 51 has stumped the public for decades. The hidden military base in the Nevada desert has kept its purpose a secret for quite some time, though many like to believe it's kept for alien testing.One thing is for sure — attempting to access the forbidden area would be highly irresponsible, as the grounds are protected by mines and other defenses.North Sentinel Island, IndiaNatives have successfully kept this island to themselves for 60,000 years.NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse AllenOn North Sentinel Island, a small island in the Andaman chain in the Bay of Bengal, natives have long been opposed to the influences of the modern world. In fact, the Sentinelese people who live on the island refuse communication with any outsiders, and are willing to get violent to protect their isolation. Following the 2004 tsunami, when the Indian Coast Guard flew a reconnaissance mission over the island, men reportedly emerged from the forests to shoot arrows at the helicopter, which did not land.The Sentinelese have lived on the island for some 60,000 years, and with the protection of the Indian government — which prohibits visitors of any kind — it has successfully resisted anthropologists, authorities and tourists.Bohemian Grove, United StatesNovelist Jack London captured this rare shot of Bohemian Grove.Public DomainTalk about a boys' club. This 2,700-acre campground in Monte Rio, Calif., is the ultimate playground for men. Each July, the Grove hosts a two-week bacchanalian blowout for VIPs around the world. Past and present members include U.S. presidents, government members, business leaders, artists and musicians. The event comes with a saying, "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here," which means there is to be no business wheeling-and-dealing while on the grounds. Most infamously, there are rumors that Bohemian Grove hosted a Manhattan Project planning meeting in 1942 which resulted in the atomic bomb, though this cannot be proven.Membership is highly exclusive. Translation: You won't be accepted. (Assuming you’d even want to be.) And the goings-on are highly top secret.Ise Grand Shrine, JapanThis ancient shrine is a cultural wonder...that only the Japanese imperial family can access.N yotarouJapan has shrine culture down pat. There is estimated to be upwards of 80,000 shrines in the island nation. But none is more important than the Ise Grand Shrine, an intricate temple that happens to be one of the most expensive in the country due to the detail of its architecture.The shrine is rebuilt every 20 years (at a million-dollar price tag), in order to symbolize the Shinto tradition of death and renewal of nature. The current iteration was build in 2013. And unless you're a member of the Japanese imperial family, there's no chance you'll be entering the hallowed halls of this ancient, significant representation of Japanese culture.Heard Island, AustraliaSatellites capture volcanic activity on remote Heard Island.NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterThere's the ends of the earth, and then there's Heard Island. One of the most remote islands in the world, Heard Island technically belongs to Australia but can be found somewhere between Madagascar and Antarctica.The island is known for its two active volcanoes, but for the most part it's thoroughly blanketed in ice. Inhabitants include seals, birds and four types of penguins. Humans, however, are not permitted to visit, though landings to the nearby McDonald Islands are allowed solely for "compelling scientific reasons."Poveglia, ItalyA haunting history defines this small Italian island.Twisted doesn't begin to describe the history of Poveglia Island, a small island between Venice and Lido in Northern Italy. For centuries the small island has been prime real estate for, well, dumping of the dead. The island became a quarantine colony in the 14th century for victims of the Bubonic Plague. In the 19th century, Poveglia became an asylum for the area's mentally ill, where it was rumored that a cruel doctor performed experiments on the patients.Today the island is abandoned, save for the ghosts of the tortured souls that once lived there. Tourists and locals are banned from visiting, unless you want to undergo a lengthy paperwork process. But as this is considered the most haunted place in Italy, that’s likely for the best.Vatican Secret Archives, Vatican CityWhat church secrets like in these archives? Only a select few can ever know.EskifyThe secrets of religion are some of the most heavily guarded in the world...and none more so than the Vatican Archives. Centuries of secrets remain a mystery within the vaults of the Vatican, from state papers to accounting to letters. Speculation on what lies beneath include evidence of demons, extraterrestrials and even the Church's alleged contribution to the fascism of the mid-20th century.Today only the highest qualified scholars and educators are allowed in the vault, and only after stringent review. Those looking to simply take a peek will sadly never know what sits between these storied pages.Tomb of Qin Shi Huang, ChinaSome Terra-Cotta warriors are visible to the public — but the vast majority remain off limits.Kevin PohThe Terra-Cotta Warriors at Xi'an is one of the most important discoveries of all time. Thousands of unique, one-of-a-kind lifelike statues depicting ancient Chinese warriors filled underground caverns of the burial complex of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang. But while the site is one of China's most prominent tourist attractions, the tomb itself still remains a guarded mystery.The tomb will likely remain sealed for the foreseeable future, as it is rumored that there are booby traps protecting it from invaders. There is also a high concentration of mercury within the tomb that would be deadly to anyone who entered without the proper precautions. The only glimpse we have into this treasure are the 2,000 warriors that are exposed to the public. Still, it is said another 6,000 remain within the tomb, along with a myriad of other treasures.Surtsey Island, IcelandSurtsey Island is a natural wonder (mostly) untouched by human activity.CanonS2When ticking UNESCO World Heritage Sites off your bucket list, Surtsey Island is one that might have to go unchecked. This volcanic island lies about 20 miles off the coast of Iceland, and has existed as a natural laboratory since its inception in the 1960s. Scientists have explored the island as a microcosm of natural development, gathering information on plant and animal life, tracking the arrival of seeds, and monitoring the appearance of molds, bacteria and fungi.Today the island is home to a variety of species of lichen, fungi and birds, as well as 335 species of invertebrates. But in order to minimize human disruption, only a select few vetted scientists are allowed on the island to behold its natural wonder.North Brother Island, United StatesRiverside Hospital sits abandoned on North Brother Island.reivaxTragically beautiful North Brother Island is one of the many mysteries of New York City. Located on the East River between the Bronx and Riker's Island, this abandoned island used to be the home of Riverside Hospital in the 19th century, where patients suffering from diseases like tuberculosis, yellow fever and small pox were quarantined. Later the hospital was used after World War II to house veterans, and then as a treatment facility for heroin addicts. In the early 1960s the hospital closed its doors, and it has since been left to crumble by the forces of nature.Today, the island is closed to the public, as it serves as a nesting colony for black-crowned night herons.Mezhgorye, RussiaThis sign in Mezhgorye translates, ironically, to "Welcome."PesotskyExclusive communities are one thing; in Russia there exists an entire town that is closed to the public.Mezhgorye sits in the Ural Mountains, about 120 miles from Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Founded in 1979, this small town is said to be home to a nuclear missile site. Though unconfirmed, it is believed that the site contains automatic missiles that can be activated remotely. The town is guarded by two battalions that prevent any outsider from visiting. The only information we have on Mezhgorye is taken from satellite images, and The Kremlin claims that the site is used for mining, an emergency bunker for Russian leaders and a vault for the nation's treasures.The world may never know, and if it is a nuclear site, let's hope we don't have the opportunity to find out.The Dome of the Rock, JerusalemThe Dome of the Rock is not completely off-limits; Muslims are allowed into the holy site.Andrew ShivaOne of the holiest sites in the world is, without a doubt, the Temple Mount. The holiest site for Jewish believers, this temple dates back to the first century BC. It is also the third holiest site for Sunni Muslims after Mecca and Medina. But within the Temple Mount is an even more holy and exclusive site — The Dome of the Rock.This gold-topped Islamic shrine is iconic in the city of Jerusalem. There are already stringent rules in place for visits to the Temple Mount, but the Dome of the Rock's entry is reserved strictly for those who practice Islam. Non-Muslims are not permitted within the holy walls.Niihau, United StatesThis stunning Hawaiian island is enjoyed exclusively by residents.PolihaleHawaiian island-hopping is a beloved pastime for travelers. But if you think you’ve hit all of the islands, think again.One mysterious island, Niihau, is nicknamed “The Forbidden Island,” and that is not an exaggeration. Even its visibility remains elusive, as the only way to catch a glimpse of it is as the sun sets over Kauai’s Kekaha Beach, when its silhouette emerges. The island has been owned by a single family for more than 150 years, and has been kept off limits to the outside world.The only people who can enjoy the island's splendor are its residents, all of whom are descendants of those who lived there before the island was purchased in the 1860s.The Queen’s Bedroom, U.K.Only one civilian has managed to sneak into the Queen's Bedroom..and it involved a massive security breach.Buckingham Palace is one of the top attractions in not only the U.K., but the world. The palace is the Queen's official London residence, and has been the home of Britain's monarchy since 1837. But while there are public tours available of many of the rooms and grounds of the palace, one room remains strictly forbidden: The Queen's Bedroom, where her Majesty often stays.That is, of course, unless your name is Michael Fagan, who was able to break into the Queen's Bedroom in the 1980s in one of the greatest security breaches of all time. The act involved him scaling a 20-foot wall and hoisting himself up a drainpipe — all so he could win a bet with some friends.Coca-Cola Recipe Vault, United StatesWant to find out the recipe for Coke? Good -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspluck Resources and Information.. GrangerJimmy Hoffa or who killed JFK. The real great American secret can be found in a can of Coca-Cola. The legendary mystery formula is secured under lock and key in a purpose-built vault in Atlanta. The map to the world-famous elixir is kept in a metal box inside a 6.6-foot-high step vault, which is in turn protected by a barrier. The area has surveillance with armed guards, and the door can only be opened via keypad with hand scanner.Getting your hands on the Declaration of Independence might be easier than finding out what makes Coke taste so good.U.N. Buffer Zone, CyprusAn old Toyota advertisement is one of many decaying relics at this demilitarized zone in Cyprus.DickelbersIn 1974, Turkish troops invaded Cyprus, escalating a civil war between the split Greek and Turkish residents. The U.N. took control of a "Buffer Zone" in the capital, Nicosia, after the fighting ended in a ceasefire.This historic no-man's land is surrounded by walls separating the Turkish community from the Greek community. Inside the walls are abandoned homes, businesses and a small airport that, as The Atlantic put it, have remained “frozen in time” for decades.Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, EthiopiaThis building supposedly contains the legendary Ark of the Covenant.JensiS65Though some scholars are dubious, this church is allegedly the final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, also known as the ornate chest that houses the Ten Commandments. And there is only one person allowed to view the Ark: a special guardian monk anointed by a predecessor.The church dates back to the 4th century AD, and the grounds also include the remains of Tekle Giyorgis I, former Emperor of Ethiopia.Svalbard Global Seed Vault, NorwayThis off-limits vault is ready to save civilization should catastrophe strike.MiksuLocated on the remote island of Spitsbergen, this subterranean seed storagefacility was carefully built 400 feet into a mountainside. The complex houses approximately 840,000 samples of 4,000 different species of seeds from all over the world. The bank operates like a safety deposit box, allowing governments to leave seed samples for safekeeping in the event of a major global or regional event that would wipe out major food supplies.Only official “depositers” are allowed inside what is ominously described as “the final back up.”Robins Island, United StatesOnly one lucky man has access to this turtle-filled island.The Moore Charitable FoundationThis privately owned, 435-acre island off the coast of New Suffolk, New York has been the subject of controversy throughout its history. Transfers of ownership over the years led to it becoming a nature preserve and sanctuary, created by current owner Louis Bacon. It is also home to one of the largest populations of turtles in the state.Other than Mr. Bacon and the turtles, however, it is off limits to the public. He has spent quite a bit of money rebuilding the ecosystem and believes that commercialization will lead to the destruction of what he has been trying to build.Moscow Metro-2, RussiaU.S. military intelligence supposedly drafted this map of Moscow world of secret tunnels and phantom trains sounds like something out of Harry Potter — unless, of course, you've heard of the Moscow Metro-2.In preparation for a nuclear catastrophe, the KGB built a secret metro system that mirrored the public Moscow metro, except that it’s larger and buried about 600 feet underground. Four lines connect government buildings like the Kremlin with the Federal Security Service headquarters, the government airport and several other important locations.Next time you see a manhole in Moscow, you might want to give it a second thought.Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, United StatesThanks to this center, government officials will be protected in the case of an apocalypse. Civilians, you're on your own.Karen NutiniNot to be alarmists, but what do you have planned in the event of an apocalypse? Washington, D.C. is certainly prepared. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center in Virginia — designed to be the safest place in the world in the event of global destruction — is the escape plan for U.S. government officials. Built during the Cold War and now operated by FEMA, the center is designed to protect not only American government members but treasures of the nation, like the art in the National Gallery.Without the shiny seal of approval from the United States government, this souped-up bomb shelter is strictly off limits.Fort Knox, United StatesThe sign for Fort Knox says "Welcome," but in reality you're not."Harder to get into than Fort Knox" is a saying for a reason. Impossible to get into, this Kentucky military base has served many purposes throughout history, but today it is known as the safeguard for America's gold.The fort has been opened once for news media and Congress in 1974, and never again since. Obstacles you'd have to overcome to get your hands on America's gold include minefields, barbed wire, electric fences, armed guards and cameras. Oh, and all of the army units based there have Apache helicopters ready for the “Go” signal.Chernobyl’s Exclusion Zone, UkraineA blocked road makes it clear visitors are not welcome inside the accurately named Exclusion Zone.Nick Rush-CooperThirty years ago, disaster struck nuclear reactor number 4 in Chernobyl, sending radioactive clouds billowing into the air. Evacuations began immediately, but as the extent of the damage became clear, Soviet military officials declared an Exclusion Zone within a roughly 18-mile radius of the plant, turning the city into a veritable ghost town. Today much of the Zone still remains completely off limits.Tourists can get special permission to go, but it's near impossible to do so. With a radiation level that is still highly dangerous, it might be a better use of time to scratch other destinations off your bucket list anyways.Pine Gap, AustraliaThis Cold War-era base makes its top-secret nature known.SchutzHidden somewhere in the Australian Outback is a top-secret military base operated by the U.S. government. Known as the Joint Defense Facility Pine Gap, it is used to control satellites that collect intel on airstrikes around the world.The facility was opened during the Cold War in 1966 under the guise of a space research facility, but was actually operated by the CIA. There is no way to access Pine Gap without clearance — unless, of course, you are flying over it or hiking the MacDonnell Ranges that surround it.Mormon Church Secret Vault, United StatesThis formidable fortress conceals mysterious church secrets.Very few things are as mysterious as a vault inside of a granite mountain. But that’s exactly what the Mormon Church’s Secret Vault is — mysterious, and inside Granite Mountain.In Little Cottonwood Canyon outside of Salt Lake City sits this sprawling, ironclad vault. Built in 1965, the vault was created to preserve records of importance to the church. Today it holds more than 3.5 billion images on microfilm and digital media. For security reasons, there is no public access to the vault.Disney Club 33, United StatesIf you want access to this private club, you'll need a special VIP invite.Josh HallettIt might be the happiest place on earth for the masses, but Disney also has a secret that is reserved for only the elite.Disney Club 33 is by far the most exclusive place in the Disney empire. Walt Disney himself created the club as a lounge to entertain business associates but never actually got to enjoy it, as he passed away before it could open. But open it did (with a liquor license, to boot — the only place in the parks that serves alcohol).Access is invitation only, but an invite doesn't necessarily guarantee entry. You also need to fork over about $100,000 to solidify your membership, and then annual dues are about $30,000 per year. Or you could just stick to the It's A Small World ride and learn to find joy in that.Menwith Hill Royal Air Force Station, UKThis secretive compound is ripe for conspiracy-theorizing.Matt CryptoIts ultimate modern day purpose still remains a mystery to the public, but thissecretive piece of land was originally used for espionage and intelligence gathering during the Cold War. It sits on 550 acres and as far as we know, is only used by ECHELON spies and NSA.The site was opened in 1954 and over the years conspiracy theorists have gone crazy trying to figure out what goes on behind the barbed wire inside the Epcot-esque spheres that make up the base.Diego Garcia, Indian OceanMilitary personnel only are allowed onto this island.NASAThis island in the Indian Ocean, which used to be part of the United Kingdom, was used as a pawn to settle a $14 million debt owed to the United States. Today it is used as a U.S. military base, but no one is allowed to visit.According to reports, there are 654 buildings on the island and about 4,000 military personnel, but their activity is strictly top secret. There are theories, of course, as there always are with all things secret. Some people believe that there is a secret military prison.The only thing that is known for sure is that Diego Garcia was the launch place for military flights into Afghanistan and Iraq.Woomera Test Range, AustraliaOnly those okay with extreme danger would be comfortable visiting this forbidden site http://anyways.Kr.afolImagine if the entire country of Portugal was a test-firing range. Well, that's the size of the Woomera Test Range in Australia. The massive (47,100-square-mile) range site is used for testing weapons, like bombs and missiles.Because of this, visitors are understandably not permitted on the site. It wouldn't exactly make for a stress-free vacation.Mariana Trench, Pacific OceanThe deepest spot on Earth is, as you'd guess, not easy to access.wallaceNear Japan, just east of the 14 Mariana Islands archipelago, lies a sea canyonconsidered to be the deepest site in the entire world. The trench is more than seven miles deep and has vents that bubble up liquid sulfur and carbon dioxide; the pressure on the floor is more than eight tons per square inch, which is equivalent to having 50 jumbo jets sitting on top of you.So it's probably a good thing that you can't actually go there. (There have, however, been four successful submarine descents into its depths, including one led by director James Cameron.)White’s Gentlemens Club, UKThis club takes exclusivity to (obnoxious?) new levels.Paul FarmerTechnically this club isn’t forbidden, but getting in will cost you more than you probably make in a year. The exclusive society was founded in the 17th century as a hot chocolate shop, but its sweet side quickly deteriorated into seedy as patrons preferred it become a gambling gentleman's club.Today it boasts the reputation as the most private and expensive club in the world — and it has to be to guard the secrets of what goes on behind closed doors. Membership costs $112,000 per year. Not only do you have to have deep pockets, you also have to have gone to school at Eton followed by Cambridge or Oxford. And even then applications still might take years to be approved.Most Remarkable Train Journeys in EuropeBy Andrew Thompson on April 9, 2018There was a brief moment on the train journey between Lucerne and Lake Geneva in Switzerland when I found myself peering at my reflection in the spotless window wondering if this experience was real.Just beyond my reflection, a lush green valley, dotted with Swiss chalets, the odd one puffing little plumes of smoke into the cool spring air, washed silently past. A narrow river fueled by melting snow flowed rapidly between the chalets, filtering into a pristine turquoise lake further up the valley. And towering up all around this living tourism brochure were the giant Swiss Alps. The highest peaks, visible through windows in the ceiling of the carriage, escaped the warming sun and still had light dustings of snow.For many inside the train, this was little more than their daily commute — but for at least one wide-eyed tourist lucky enough to spontaneously stumble into a seat on the GoldenPass Express, it was nothing short of spectacular.Scenic train rides like the one I lucked into abound in Europe, and though it’s true that many of the continent’s most remarkable journeys are confined to the Alps, there are also dozens further afield well worth seeking out. Here, we’ve rounded up the most awe-inspiring.Jacobite Train, ScotlandThe Jacobite Train served as inspiration for the Hogwarts Express.miroslav_1Jacobite Train is commonly described as “the world’s greatest railway journey”— and that's not an over-exaggeration.This incredible Scottish rail route and steam train served as inspiration for the Hogwarts Express, and though this has caused a flurry of excitement from Harry Potter fans around the world, it’s an unmissable excursion even for those not au fait with the novels. That’s because the journey takes you close to some of Great Britain’s most breathtaking extremes — from the country’s highest mountain, to its deepest sea and freshwater lochs, to its shortest river.Beautiful nature aside, you’ll also chug through a handful of quaint Scottish villages before arriving in the coastal town of Mallaig — a busy fishing port in the Highlands dating back to the mid-1800s.The train runs according to a seasonal service, so it’s important to double check departure times ahead of time and book well in advance. But given the views, the history and the fantastical undertones, there are few rail journeys worthier of your advanced planning than this.Bergen Line, NorwayIn winter, a journey with Bergen Railway is particularly stunning.MariusLtuIf you’re looking to tick off the most iconic train ride in Norway, and ride one of Europe’s most celebrated scenic routes, then book your ticket for the Bergen Railway between Oslo and Bergen.It’s a 310-mile, seven-hour extravaganza past some of Norway’s most varied scenery and dramatic mountaintops. Much of the journey wends through beautifully stark and desolate terrain. But it’s also an important means of transport for residents and visitors alike — during winter months it fills with skiers heading to the famous slopes along the way.This is the highest mainline railway in Scandinavia, and its completion in the early 1900s was an impressive achievement. Though it’s celebrating its 110th year since the first train left Bergen, the modern trains that now service this line are anything but dated.Rauma Line, NorwayFor a quick trip packed with beauty, Rauma is a must-book.johnny_ratroIf you’re looking for a Scandinavian journey with diversity and action, then head for Norway’s Rauma Railway line between the town of Åndalsnes and the mountain village of Dombås. The journey between the two takes less than two hours, but the train carries you past Trollveggen wall and Kylling Bridge, and right through Reinheimen National Park, famous for the reindeer who call it home.Given the relatively short journey time, this train ride makes for an incredible return day trip from Åndalsnes.Rhine Valley Line, GermanyGermany's vineyards are the key attraction on the Rhine Valley Line.Matthias LindnerGermany’s Rhine Valley Line is the stuff of fairytale and legend. Unlike many thrilling scenic train journeys in Europe, this one is somewhat more sedate — which is exactly what makes it so appealing.The Rhine Railway runs through the heart of German wine country between the towns of Mainz and Koblenz, at times just a few feet from the famous river after which it’s named. The route is not short on scenic beauty, thanks to views of the river and Rhine Valley's towering peaks, but it's the numerous castles and quaint small towns along the way that give this route an intriguing edge.The journey isn’t a long one — if you choose one of the numerous high-speed trains you can complete it in under an hour. But most travelers choose the slower regional trains and stop off along the way to sample world-famous Rhine Valley wine as close to the source as possible.'Over the Top' Line, Germany and AustriaThe striking peak of Zugspietz is often visible on the little-known 'Over the Top' line.DieterMeyrlThe somewhat inconspicuous rail route between Innsbruck and Munich, via Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Mittenwald, delivers a range of scenic surprises. It’s operated by Deutsche Bahn and Austrian Federal Railways, and includes a stint on the Mittenwald Railway, but because it’s not the quickest route between the two cities, many overlook it.Online maps and automatic route finders will tend to push you towards the faster but less interesting InterCity line between the two cities. But the most memorable journey traverses via Seefeld, and is dubbed "Over the Top." On a clear day it delivers views of Zugspitz, the highest mountain in Germany, and the remainder of the route serves up remarkable Alpine views. The arrival into the Innsbruck Valley is truly something — particularly during winter months when thick layers of snow line the trackside and mountains.And because the route is not a branded scenic line, it costs a fraction of the other better-marketed attractions, and you’ll alight with a sense of in-the-know satisfaction.Semmering Bahn, AustriaAgainst such a staggering backdrop, the Semmering Bahn line looks miniscule.hajesAustria’s 41-kilometer Semmering Bahn line may be relatively short, but it passes through Alpine terrain so dramatic, it has earned the entire route UNESCO World Heritage Status (not to mention the UNESCO label of “one of the greatest feats of civil engineering”).Though it dates back to the 1850s, this line passing between Gloggnitz and Murzzuschlag is still in impeccable condition, and it offers plenty of thrills via the striking stone bridges and 15 tunnels it encompasses.Of course, true to the Austrian way, trains run efficiently here, and the scenery is everything you’d expect for a route that cuts its way through the incredible Alps.Cinque Terre Train, ItalyThis train ride is all about taking in coastal beauty.LatsalomaoThe steep slopes and colorful seaside villages of Cinque Terre are among Italy’s most popular tourist attractions. Many flock there simply to bask on one of the iconic beaches or hike the rugged cliffs — but the area also features an incredible train journey to include in your itinerary.The Cinque Terre train, operated by TrenItalia, runs between La Spezia and Levanto, stopping at various points along the way. It’s not a long journey; if you ride the train start to finish it will take you just 30 minutes. But most choose to stop off at iconic towns along the way and meander along the cliffs. And thanks to panoramic sea views and a coastal atmosphere, this is a truly unique European rail experience.GoldenPass Express, SwitzerlandThe GoldenPass Express train passes bucolic landscapes to remember.Courtesy of authorSwitzerland’s GoldenPass train connects Lucerne to Montreux, on the shores of Lake Geneva. In just five hours it serves up a condensed Swiss highlights package, complete with jaw-dropping views of picturesque villages, vast mountains, fertile valleys, and pristine rivers and lakes.The trains are slick and ultra-modern, but if you switch to the GoldenPass Classic carriages at the halfway mark, you’ll be able to experience what it was like to journey during the golden age of rail travel. These retro trains that run between Zweisimmen to Montreux have gold-trimmed luggage racks, wood finishes, carpeted aisles, plush armchair-like seating, and waiters who’ll take your food or drink order at your seat.Many take the journey from start to finish simply to explore the scenic beauty along the way. But most break their journey en-route to Lake Geneva with a stop in the popular tourist city of Interlaken, which boasts dramatic alpine and lake views and all the amenities of a premier resort town. Or they hop aboard another train and venture up the valley to the painfully quaint town of Lauterbrunnen, just 20 minutes from Interlaken.Bernina Express, SwitzerlandThe Bernina line is an engineering marvel recognized by UNESCO.sculpies\While you’re in St. Moritz, you may as well hop aboard the Glacier Express’ biggest rival, the Bernina Express. Technically beginning in Chur, the oldest city in Switzerland, but connecting at several small towns along the way, the route runs over the Alps — at times improbably — and into Italy.Though shorter than its glacial competitor, this line is no less dramatic. At its highest point you’ll traverse the Bernina Mountain Pass and rattle past three pristine lakes and a large glacier, before dipping down toward Tirano on a scintillating set of tracks.UNESCO recognizes this railway line for bringing together two historic railways and several isolated mountain villages, once separated by the massive Alps. In order to achieve this, engineers built dozens of tunnels and viaducts on precarious mountain passes, and as such, for many passengers the journey isn’t actually about the scenery. Two structures in particular get the engineering fans out of their seats — the 213-foot high Landwasser Viaduct and the circular Brusio loop viaduct.The Bernina Express terminates in Tirano, but if you’re eager to return to Swiss soil there are official Bernina busses that skirt Lake Como and deliver you back to another Swiss lakeside haven in Lugano.Glacier Express, SwitzerlandThe Glacier Express is slow...but with views like this, who cares?Courtesy of authorThe Glacier Express is perhaps the most iconic scenic train ride in Switzerland, if not the world. Over the course of eight hours it carves a line through the Alps between two of the country’s most exclusive destinations — the car-free ski resort town of Zermatt, famous for its jagged Matterhorn, and the exquisite ritzy lakeside village of St. Moritz.In spite of its name, the journey is anything but rapid. Instead, the Glacier Express chugs along at a sedate pace that allows you to take it all in. That many hours on a train might sound like too much, but considering the remarkable scenery you’ll glimpse via over-sized windows along the way, you’ll hardly be complaining.In winter the train ride lives up to its name and delivers views of a frozen Swiss wonderland dotted with cross-country skiers, frozen rivers and thick white snow several feet deep. In summer the snow thaws to reveal lush green fields, waving hikers and rapidly flowing rivers, with the highest peaks still sporting a dusting of white.The Glacier Express trains are the epitome of modern; they feature at-seat service, real plates and silverware in first class, careful climate control and the requisite panoramic windows that allow you to crane your neck up to see the very top of the Alps. All of this comes at a price, particularly if you’re shelling out for first class, but for many this journey occupies a spot atop ultimate travel bucket lists.Gotthard Panorama Express, SwitzerlandThe Gotthard Panorama Express showcases a diverse array of landscapes.Courtesy of authorThere are several efficient ways to travel between Zurich and Lugano, and the recently rebranded Gotthard Panorama Express isn’t one of them. That’s because this train, previously called the Wilhelm Tell Express, does everything in its power to showcase the best of Swiss scenery between these two cities, even if that comes at the expense of speed.Not only does the route take you over 205 bridges, through seven loop tunnels and deep into the Alps via the 15-kilometer long Gotthard Tunnel — at the time of construction, the longest in the world — but it also gives you the opportunity to depart the train and complete part of your journey via historic steamboat.The scenery changes constantly, and if you travel from north to south you’ll go from beautiful alpine surroundings to almost balmy lakeside cities boasting palm trees and stone houses in the south of the country.Though there are easy rail connections throughout the year that deliver elements of these attractions, this seasonal line’s unique combination of boat, Gotthard Tunnel and scenery make it a must-book.Montenegro Express, Montenegro and SerbiaBrilliant fall foliage leaves an impression on the Montenegro Express.Courtesy of authorUnlike the famous, carefully branded train journeys of Western and Central Europe, the line that connects Montenegro’s Bar and Serbia’s Belgrade doesn’t have a carefully considered name, a flashy website or a slew of catchy hashtags following it around. In the absence of these, or any real official online presence for that matter, most travelers have dubbed it either the Montenegro Express or the Balkan Express.These trains also lack climate control, dining carts, first-class compartments and any real commitment to a schedule. But what Montenegro Express lacks in branding it more than makes up for in charm.The line dates back to the days of Josip Tito, the first president of Yugoslavia. He opened it in 1976 to run his Blue Train, which ferried him and several famous guests across the Balkans in style. Though the luxurious train now languishes in a shed outside the Serbian capital, a ramshackle collection of carriages continue on the path it set, winding through hundreds of tunnels and across thrilling bridges — including Mala Rijeka Viaduct, the highest in Europe.In spite of the lack of creature comforts, this no-frills all-day adventure costs just a handful of coins, and far surpasses anything you’ll find in a slick panoramic carriage out west. That’s because you’ll struggle to find any rail journey on the continent that offers a tale like that of Josip Tito’s, combined with engineering marvels in the form of 254 tunnels and 435 bridges that you whip through and over as you ascend and descend at times frankly terrifying aerial mountain terrain.World’s most mystical, Imaginary places :-CamelotCamelot is the castle and court of Arthurian legend. It first appeared in a 12th-century romance by French writer Chretien de Troyes. Countless writers and artists have found a muse in the stories that take place in the realm of Camelot, such as Lord Alfred Tennyson in "Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere," and Mark Twain in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Though Camelotis in ruins now if it ever existed, Arthurian legend is still told and retold today.XanaduThe most popular depiction of Xanadu was dreamed up by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his 1797 poem "Kubla Khan" under the influence of opiates, where he describes Xanadu as "a stately pleasure-dome." This famous poem was inspired by Marco Polo's reported visit to Xanadu, the summer residence of Mongol ruler Kublai Khan. Xanadu has surfaced in 20th-century film, making an appearance as the grand estate in Orson Welles' 1941 film Citizen Kane, as well as being featured as the title of a cult fantasy musical in 1980.El DoradoEl Dorado (which literally means "the golden one") is the name of a mythical lost city thought to be located in South America on the Amazon. This term first appeared in English in the late 16th century; as legends of the city of gold spread, explorers including Sir Walter Raleigh made expeditions in hopes of returning to their home countries with riches beyond imagination. All expeditions failed to locate the gilded city. The term El Dorado can be used metaphorically today to refer to any place promising great wealth.OzL. Frank Baum's beloved children's book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz gained so much immediate popularity that within two years of its publication in 1900, it was adapted into a Broadway musical. In 1939 the musical was made into the classic film, which not only solidified the career of the then-teenaged Judy Garland, but also brought the term Oz into widespread usage. From that point on, Oz took on the more general sense of a fantastical place. Ironically, in 1903 Baum wrote that the name Oz came to him while looking at an "O-Z" label on a file cabinet.Vanity FairVanity Fair first appeared in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress in 1678. In this Christian allegory, Vanity Fair is an ongoing fair in the town of Vanity where worldly ostentation and frivolity are valued above all else. William Makepeace Thackeray titled his 1848 novel Vanity Fair in a nod to Bunyan, highlighting the selfishness of Victorian society. He even used the construction Vanity-Fairian to describe characters in his novel. Today the concept endures on newsstands all over the world with Vanity Fair magazine.AtlantisFirst written about by Plato around 360 BCE, Atlantis is the mythical island that is believed to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar before it sank deep into the sea. The name Atlantis comes from the Greek literally meaning "daughter of Atlas." Atlas was the Greek Titan condemned by Zeus to hold the celestial spheres on his shoulders. While many locations have been proposed as the historical site of Atlantis, to this day the legendary lost city remains lost.UtopiaSir Thomas More coined the term utopia in his 1516 book of the same title. Utopia is a New Latin construction meaning "nowhere," which ultimately comes from the Greek roots meaning "not" and "place." More's Utopia depicts an invented island society that enjoys perfection in law, politics, and all social interactions. Within 100 years of its publication, Utopia, in addition to referring to More's vision of the perfect society, became metaphorically applied to any perfect place. Three centuries after utopia entered English, dystopia entered the language as a word describing the opposing concept.Shangri-LaShangri-La is a fictional Tibetan land of eternal youth in James Hilton's 1933 novel Lost Horizon. The term la means "mountain pass" in Tibetan, and the imaginary land of Shangri-La was inspired by National Geographic articles describing isolated Tibetan mountain communities. One county in the Yunnan Province even officially renamed itself to Shangri-La County in 2001 in an effort to promote tourism, claiming that the imaginary paradise that Hilton wrote of is in fact real.

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